Increased Automation In Travel Industry and Effects

Corporate Travel - 6th Apr 2020

The future is beckoning and if the changes in technology are anything to go by, the world will be very different from how we see it in the next 10 years. Technology is changing the world as we know it and we have no choice but to embrace it. There are changes in the travel and tours industry as well in its effort to do its part in the embrace.

Futurologist Ray Hammond predicts that by the year 2030, instant check-ins which use recognition will be in use at airports and hotels around the world. Some travelers have already had the pleasure of using this technology such as: finger prints to check-in and check-out and even to access their hotel rooms instead of using a key card because some hotels have already adopted this technology. However, as it is in its pilot stages it is anticipated that in the future it will become more high-tech with guests being able to be billed for a meal at the hotel restaurant by simply walking through the exit once they are done. Wouldn’t that be awesome?

Final Frontier: Imagine a weekend getaway to Venus the planet not an area. Space will be a top travel destination for travelers the world over.

Internet of Things: Everything is about internet connectivity. In the travel and tourism industry, it is an emerging trend. The ability to connect our everyday devices to internet and allowing them to send and receive data is a feat in itself. It is currently an emerging trend however it will be a norm in the future; the ability to have the lights, air-conditioning, heating, and entertainment all controlled from one place in the room.

Super – fast trains will be a norm. We already have very fast trains i.e. the train from Hong Kong to mainland China however, predictions are that the trains will be faster than anything we have witnessed so far. It is anticipated that more people will want to travel using trains and the super-speed trains will be the extremely appealing.

Carbon Zero Future: Carbon footprint is a growing concern the world over with corporates making a concerted effort to reduce their carbon emissions. The aviation industry certainly has not been left behind and has already started research on alternatives to fossil fuel dependence. This means that in the next ten years we will see airlines using sustainable fuels/ biofuels in an effort to have minimal carbon emissions on their routes. In 2019, Virgin Atlantic airlines had a test flight which flew using biofuel.

Smart cars will increase. Imagine self-driving cars which are extra comfortable, does it get any better than that? Smart cars of the future will have increased features which will attract consumers in a major way. This will be as a result of conscious efforts around the world to reduce carbon emissions. The increase in the use of smart cars and of course increased production of the same will also result in lighter loads on the pockets of consumers. It is estimated that petroleum products and their use will attract very high taxes/ penalties to discourage their use.

Increased competition in the travel and tourism industry which will result in lower prices and better experiences which benefit clients.

Virtual reality: Imagine being able to see your choice hotel and explore the rooms and the amenities from the comfort of your home or even at the travel agent’s office. With more people embracing virtual reality, people the world over will be able to adequately plan their trips by incorporating virtual reality/experiences in their trip planning process. Clients can also have VR as an entertainment source. VR may also be used to simulate popular extreme sports such as paragliding and many more.

Robots: Heathrow and select Hilton hotels have already started using Robots for information points, they can also be used to detect concealed weapons and pre-screening. This will be an advantage as they will help to minimize wait time, increase safety and security and minimize the spread of contractible diseases.

AR-Augmented Reality: Similar to virtual reality but definitely cheaper because unlike VR which requires special VR equipment, with AR all you need is a smartphone /internet connectivity. AR involves enhancing your surroundings and customers are able to have detailed information regarding their travel destinations.

AI-Artificial Intelligence: This has been in use in the Travel and tours industry to assist in providing customer service assistance. At the same time, the information gleaned from the data is used to provide better services and also to make predictions regarding travel and tours and thereby provide personalized experiences for the customers.

Which experiences do you look forward to regarding automation in the travel industry?