Blogs / AircraftNews

Increased Automation In Travel Industry and Effects

Corporate Travel - 6th Apr 2020

The future is beckoning and if the changes in technology are anything to go by, the world will be very different from...

Revenge Travel is a meal served packed, seemingly!

Africa - 16th Nov 2020

While the word ‘revenge’ implies the nature of getting back at someone. Turns out 2021 is anticipated to ...

Sun, Sand, Blue Waves And Pink Sunsets!

News - 3rd Mar 2021

What wouldn’t I give for some sun and sand, blue waves and pink sunsets in our new normal? If you are like me a...

Turkish Airlines Introduces Free Stopver In Istanbul

Editorial - 17th Feb 2020

Fancy a free night at a top tier hotel in Istanbul? Turkish Airlines is offering free accommodation in Istanbul for p...

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